by Erika Clegg.

How to harness your values to create a high-performance culture.
You've got a set of corporate values and you're comfortable they're the right ones. But you're deeply uncomfortable with the nagging feeling that they've basically been parked. You know if you worked with them you could make your culture blossom, but you don't know where to start.
Sound familiar? Then dip into these pages and discover the one sure-fire way to fix that problem and transform your organisation. On the way you'll find stories of extraordinary values-driven leaders, challenge your own personal values, and pick up a host of hints and tips.
This is not just a book: it's a workbook. You'll find plenty of room for your own jottings. So fill it with notes, fold the pages, and keep it to hand as you move towards an exceptional values-led culture.
"You do not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure... those who develop a clear sense of their values before they get into crisis are better prepared to keep their bearings and navigate through difficult decisions and dilemmas when the pressure mounts." Professor Bill George, Harvard
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