By Ben Dearden.

A new era has arrived.
The Prime's voice speaks to the protectors and expanders, the group of powerful beings known as the Selected. With the Prime's guiding voice, the Selected pave the way for a bright future of universal expansion. But the direction is changing. The Other, a powerful, malicious speech that destroys any who dare listen to it, is becoming louder.
The threat of war hangs in the air.
Visions of impending doom erupt in the mind of one lone man, Rogan Bass. Death, destruction and tyrannical oppression. Is it the future or something else? Realising what he must do, Rogan journeys into the universe to discover the truth and prevent annihilation... Meanwhile, on the planet Taucury, the seat of universal rule, Governor Barion tries to maintain order. But a Dissident uprising is beginning, dissatisfied with his leadership.
Can Rogan overcome his fear and discover the truth before it's too late?
The Selected is an action-packed story, a tale of the lengths a man will go to discover the truth and his fear of what will happen if he fails. It follows Rogan Bass and those closest to him as he sets out on his quest to discover and understand the visions he is receiving. It is a story of power, magic, political intrigue and a mysterious danger that lurks in the shadows. If you were cursed with the knowledge of future death and destruction, how far would you push yourself to stop it?