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Looking for support while you write?

We are proud to have adapted our coaching and mentoring services by moving to a hybrid model of video call and email.


Regardless of what stage you're at as a writer, sometimes you will need guidance, support, motivation, and feedback for your project. Maddy offers a critiquing service for writers at all stages of their writing journeys, from beginners to established, published professionals.

Maddy Glenn, director of Softwood Books

Our ethos

Our service centres around your needs. Establishing a positive working relationship with your writing coach is key. With an entirely personalised service, you can feel comfortable sharing the more challenging aspects of your writing.

Coaching: We like to listen to your writing journey, asking the right questions that challenge your thought process and clarify your own creative practice.

Mentoring: Years of expertise support our advice and opinions on your work in progress.

Consultancy: We believe in positive constructive feedback that builds your confidence as a writer.

How it works

Our service is personalised every step of the way to suit you, your life-style, and your routine but can include​:

  • An initial consultation over Zoom or email

  • A regular critique of your work in progress at intervals that suit your writing habits 

  • Personalised payment plans in any currency


"Maddy understood my anxieties on every level and was a calm and positive presence from the first moment we decided to work together."
Carolyn Goodman

Case study

Christine emailed us her writing in instalments, typically once a month, though it varied with her writing speed and other commitments. As she completed each chapter, our editor would read it through and provide detailed feedback, giving an idea of how to develop the manuscript. The feedback covered aspects of plot structure, how to make the reader engage with her protagonist, and how to situate the reader in the setting of her novel. Over the period of several months, she requested a couple of short video calls in order to discuss a few issues that they had discovered together. She is now in possession of a completed manuscript of which she is proud, and we have taken the next step to start the editing process before she goes on to self-publish.

Cost structure

We charge £0.019 per word, so the price of each instalment will  depend on how many words you decide to send us.


Zoom consultations are free. Email communications are also not chargeable. Typically, an invoice will be sent with each instalment critiqued, though other payment plans are available.

Writers coaching moves you and your manuscript from where you are to where you want to be.

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